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Stoffel Equine Veterinary Services Covid 19 Policy

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Welcome to Stoffel Equine Veterinary Services.

Our focus is lameness and performance issues in horses.  We specialize in:  performance evaluations, prepurchase examinations, sports medicine and podiatry.  Our goal is to maximize performance and minimize exercise-related injuries. 

Please contact us with any questions or to set up an appointment for your equine athlete. You can also visit us on Facebook.


Veterinary services are considered essential during this difficult time.  We are striving to meet the needs of our patients, while also, respecting the public health aspect of COVID-19.

As the Governor has issued executive orders to maintain social distancing, offering non-essential services could lead to unnecesarry risk.

When deciding which services to offer, we need to take into consideration the patient's health and well being.  If there is a possibility that the paitent could be harmed (either short or long term) without performing a procedure, it is then considered essential.  If the procedure can be delayed with no inherent risk, it is then considered non-essential.

In order to determine essential or non-essential procedures, we are recommending a direct phone call so we can obtain a detailed history and develop the appropriate response.

If it is determined the patient's procedure is essential, there would be two options:

1)  [Have the horse hauled to our clinic.]  If this option is utilized, we are limiting the number of people inside the building.  The horse will be taken off the trailer by one of our staff and the procedure determined necessary would be performed.  The horse will be returned to the trailer when the procedure is completed.

2) [A farm visit.]  If this option is utilized, we are requesting only one person (or as few as possible) be present for the exam.  Maintaining social distancing, the handler should stand on the opposite side of the horse from the person performing the procedure or exam.  If the procedure or exam can be completed by the veterinarian or farrier alone, then we prefer the owner or trainer not be present.

For more information, please visit the AAEP website by clicking here.

© Copyright 2011 Stoffel Equine Veterinary Services